Additional inspections commissioned by the NVWA
The NVWA is tasked with responsibility for monitoring quarantine organisms (Q).
The four inspection services in the Netherlands have been mandated by the NVWA
to perform the actual inspections and testing.
If quarantine organisms are detected, the NVWA is responsible for taking further action. Naktuinbouw provides support where possible.
We monitor the phytosanitary status in the Netherlands on behalf of the NVWA. We examine a number of specific crops for the presence of quarantine organisms, or potential quarantine-worthy organisms. In 2022, one of these surveys revealed the presence of Meloidogyne fallax in a crop of the perennial plant Knipofia. Meloidogyne fallax is a quarantine organism. The NVWA imposed measures.
We also perform an annual inspection of companies that import crops with a high risk of quarantine organisms on behalf of the NVWA. This inspection is important as some pests and diseases only become visible a few weeks after the material has been imported. In 2022, Naktuinbouw detected several quarantine organisms during this inspection, including a number of non-European bark beetles.
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